Τετάρτη, Ιουλίου 23, 2014

Sunburn--First Aid

Sunburn--First Aid

    All of us have suffered sunburn at least once in our lives. We recognize that this feeling is not good. 

   But, first of all, you know what exactly the sunburn is? Sunburn is an acute skin damage from the effects of solar radiation, which penetrates the skin. 
    The extent of sunburn depends on the skin type, the time you expose your self in the sun, and the intensity of solar radiation. Sunburn can be mild, moderate, or very serious. In very severe case, apart from the care at home, it would be best to go to a doctor. 

    The symptoms of a sunburn:
  • The skin become red, and it might pain a little bit.
  • In severe cases presented severe skin problems, like burning feeling, blistering, dehydration.
  • In neglected severe sunburn after enough exposure, a person may be in shock (poor circulation of blood to vital organs) and even death. 
      Other common symptoms (especially in moderate or severe cases):
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Nausea or vomiting, or both
  • Blisters
  • Skin loss in about 4-7 days after the exposure
    First Aid
  • If you are outside in the sun, then go immediately in the shade or indoors.
  • Clean and cool the burn area with clean water (no hot or too cold).
  • The first day, put in the burn area wet compress, and take shower every few hours. This method will help to limit the penetration of the burn and you will relieve.
  • Dry carefully with a soft towel or gauze. Do not rub.
  • Apply a product that helps the healing, hydrating the skin, while protecting against germs and bacteria (in the pharmacy you will find especially lotions). 
  • Repeat the above procedure 3-4 times daily. 
  • Completely avoid further exposure to solar radiation. 
  • You SHOULD NOT break the blisters from your skin.
  • Drink a lot of water, so as to avoid the dehydration. 
  • Wear light clothes of cotton or liner, so as to not pressed your burn body.
  • If you pain, the take an aspirin. 

   **In other article I will have the natural treatment you can use in home, after the above skin care. 



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